3 tips for self-care & mental wellness
June 4th, 2021// FW Luxe// Cuisine & Wellness// Chrissy Chen
What is Mental Wellness?
Mental wellness is our general well-being in terms of emotional, physical and social status. It helps us think, feel, connect, and function. It is more just focusing on our mental or cognitive functioning but also our emotions, social relationships, ability to function on a daily basis, and even spiritual state of mind.
Why is it important?
There are more people than we thought that are suffering from some sort of mental health problems, ranging from early teens to seniors. Some of them don’t even realize that they are going through it.
There are several stressors that can lead to the issue, including but not limiting to social, physical, financial, or emotional factors. The topic has become even more important since the pandemic took over the world by storm. A lot of people worldwide have lost their jobs, income, family members, etc., which has increased the amount of people suffering from mental health issues or depression.
“But don’t worry! Remember that you are not alone fighting this battle”
I am here to help and accompany you along the journey with
3 useful self-care and mental wellness tips:
Start journaling & appreciate the small things in life
Journaling can help us stay calm and keep track of our emotions or habits. It is also a great way to foster meditation, noticing the small things in our lives that we are appreciative of. Slowly but surely, we will change our ways of thinking into focusing on the positive events rather than the negative ones.
Develop new hobbies & interest
With all the precious time we have right now, it is a great way to engage in new activities, developing a new hobby that keeps you occupied and happy. By doing so, we are not only enriching ourselves with new knowledge and skills, but also using the time to do something meaningful. It can be as simple as reading a book, or attending online workshops or webinars in the topics that you are interested in.
Consume nutritious foods and exercise regularly
A lot of us may have been binge-watching TV shows along with a bunch of chips or popcorns. Junk food is not only high in calories, but also provides little nutrition. As a result, we may experience fatigue while gaining weight, which discourages ourselves even more. Instead, we should consume healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables as well as proteins to boost our metabolism and mental wellness. Exercising regularly can also prevent us from putting on weights due to the fact that we are constantly staying at home.
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