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Photo: Matt Clark, March 18, 2020/By Alina Servetnyk

So many people were trying to find activities that could keep them active and away from social media or Netflix. The cooking sector has really been embraced uniting all family members together. A home-made pasta is not only trending but a huge accomplishment to learn! If your partner or children have never shown an interest in daily chores, this unique family interaction will be a super hit.

There is no better feeling than knowing you were part of the process of what food you consume. While everyone else is buying all packaged pasta, you have time now to make something that tastes amazing if cooked from scratch! It can actually be easier than you think!  A few ingredients being paired with your favourite sauces and no need for fancy pasta machines. Just take a look at how to mix, knead and roll it for the best home made pasta ever.

Roll your own!

You will need a sharp knife for equal proportions, so before starting the process, make sure you have it. Do not forget to spread some flour over the working surface, and then start rolling!

Make it thin enough that you can almost see through it, but be careful not to tear it. Add more flour on both sides, and before cutting it, leave it for 20 minutes uncovered.

Ravioli or Fettuccini?

o For the magic of an original look of pasta, you will need some instruments to lean towards the look of a restaurant dish. If you are a fan of ravioli, a ravioli press will be a solution to shape the dough by cutting it into small pieces. But do not forget to double what you cut to create a filled ravioli.

o    If you enjoy fettuccini, pastry wheel or pizza cutter comes in handy. And, likewise, you should also remember to dust your shaped pieces to avoid sticking!

If you’re bored with a box of dried pasta, search for the recipes and get your hands dirty!

Click the link to follow the dough recipe.

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