Working from Home?
Let’s Spark some Innovation
April 19th 2020/ By Sakina Khawaja/FW Book Nook
My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation by Donald M. Rattner is a gem of a book. Doubling as a coffee table book and an interesting read- the book if filled with scientific theories that fill up your heart and wake up an urge to set things straight all around your home. If you read the book as an interior design professional, there are great tips that break away from the norms of rules and regulations…it defies some and abides others. However, Rattner catches the practicality of home design that is essential and sometimes ignored when design professionals get too , well whats the word…designy.
If you read the book as a design enthusiast or pick it up and randomly land on one of the 48 tactics to make your home a creative incubator- the book can really be uplifting. The tactics are not just for good design- they are two fold. Sure they cover the effects of good lighting or colour palettes to use and avoid- but these tactics can be applied to life in general as well.
Cook. Eat Brain Food. Nap. Do Yoga. Read. Get out of the House. Lie Down. Dim the Lights. Well, thank you for taking our mindful living attributes and so elegantly showcasing how the design of your home can really activate creativity.
The book is filled with examples of historic figures that manipulated their spaces to spark innovation. Without giving too much of the book away, the photographs of gorgeous interiors supported with really cool facts and the science behind why some settings can result in creative juices flowing, is truly a delight to read.
The book also features quirky quotes from all types of well known figures that offer a quick chuckle and remind you of the lightness of life. Interior design and architecture is serious business. The art of beautifying your home goes hand in hand with the structural importance and how light, colour and build materials play a role. Rattner is able to take all that serious industry content and explain the simplicity of a few tactics, 48 in particular that awaken your senses and promote you to reconsider what you surround yourself with.
With all of us working from home and the uncertainty around how things will evolve in the next months to come, making our home surrounding practical and inspirational is a smart move.
Amazon has a Kindle and Hardcover version- either are worth the investment and as a design junkie myself, this book is something that can be referred to over and over again to explain why design sense is important.